Search Results : deshong

May 172014
Finding common ground with J Todd DeShong — ADHD video added

Last November I wrote about the outcome of my willingness to step outside my personal comfort zone to engage with a former nemesis, J Todd DeShong. When we both lowered our personal shields and allowed civil dialogue to occur, we discovered we had far more in common than we had differences. Those differences that remain did not have to […more]

Sep 262009
J Todd DeShong - Baylor Health's online AIDS diagnostician - UPDATED

Normally I wouldn’t want to waste this much time or bandwidth on such a matter, but the questionable activities involved justify calling this insignificant gnat out.  He’s finally irritated me enough that I have to swat him.  Besides, I’m off my feet for a few days and have some extra time on my hands, or […more]

The denialism of David Crowe

 Posted by on June 5, 2014 at 8:37 am
Jun 052014
The denialism of David Crowe

We cannot afford to exclude from our conversations people who hold different points of view than ourselves, as was becoming the norm for the RA Facebook group. It is enough that we agree to question, challenge and really “rethink” the mainstream theory that a new, sneaky pathogen that defies electron microscopy for detection suddenly burst forth in Africa and gay men in the West, causing this new disease that is really a collection of old rarely seen diseases.

The questions about whether or not HIV exists, or is capable of causing AIDS remain. AIDS “rethinkers” had better get used to the idea that dissidents have—not surprisingly—failed to prove a negative.

2014: time to move on beyond AIDS dissidence

 Posted by on December 20, 2013 at 9:51 am
Dec 202013
2014: time to move on beyond AIDS dissidence

As the winter solstice approaches, I am aware of what a noteworthy month this December is for me, in ways that have nothing to do with the holidays. Fifteen years ago this month I was informed that I was “HIV-positive”. Five years ago, I started this blog, primarily to share my experiences with both the diagnosis, as well as previous and new health issues. I will be sharing some exciting news about some changes that will be happening to resistance is fruitful a bit later in this post.

Clearing out the drafts folder

 Posted by on December 5, 2013 at 4:27 pm
Dec 052013
Clearing out the drafts folder

As I was doing some housekeeping on my blog, clearing crud out of my drafts folder, I noticed a couple of reasonably complete posts that were never published, for whatever reason. Since they are rather old, and I chose to post-date them, they may not get noticed by the email subscription service, or RSS feeds.

Here’s a list of old posts that have never been seen before:

Back by popular demand: dissidents4dumbees

 Posted by on April 16, 2012 at 11:27 am
Apr 162012
Back by popular demand:  dissidents4dumbees

I guess I’m not the only person who has missed J Todd DeShong’s great blog, dissidents4dumbees. It is often referred to fondly in the comment threads at Seth Kalichman’s blog, Denying AIDS and other oddities. In fact, that’s where JTD and all of the anonymous gang members who used to populate D4D’s comment threads now hang out:

On my way to the forums…

 Posted by on March 25, 2012 at 2:13 pm
Mar 252012
On my way to the forums...

I previously reported that the recent attacks on Marco Ruggiero’s academic freedom have been instigated, at least in part, by a known Internet troll who goes by various names, including “Snout”. Most of us involved in AIDS questioning are familiar with this nom de plume. Snout is a frequent contributor to comment threads all over the Internet, as a simple Google search will yield well over 2 million hits for “snout + aids + denialists”. Snout also blogs at a site called Reckless Endangerment, which has an Alexa website ranking of about 25M; in other words, he has very few followers, especially considering his tenacity.

When trolls attack: an open letter to “Dora”

 Posted by on March 21, 2012 at 7:14 am
Mar 212012
When trolls attack: an open letter to "Dora"

Dear Dora,

You and your ARV-loving friends at the HIVforum (Italian language forum for HIV-positives) might want to have your medications checked. Your latest public attack on a respected and admired researcher is nothing, if not irrational.

When did you decide that you can speak for all of us who have AIDS, or who test positive for HIV?

Your recent rant against University of Firenze (Italy) professor Marco Ruggiero, as reported at The Truth Barrier, is amazingly ill-conceived, malicious and detrimental to the well-being of all of us who are living with illness and HIV, and I am compelled to call you out.

You have accused Ruggiero of advertising for patients to experiment with his probiotic yogurt, and you have claimed that he is putting people with HIV disease at risk by suggesting they not take their AIDS drugs. You offer no evidence that either of these allegations are true, while I can, and will, provide evidence that in fact, the opposite is the case.

Insults and threats from sockpuppets… oh my!

 Posted by on June 15, 2011 at 6:00 am
Jun 152011
Insults and threats from sockpuppets... oh my!

I have been enjoying a break from blogging and Internet obsession for a few weeks, tending to a garden and some home improvement projects instead.  My energy and mood have been better than they have been for years, and I’ve even got a couple of new DVT blood clots in my left leg as a […more]

The sick psychology of voodoo hexes and pointing bones

 Posted by on March 7, 2011 at 10:29 pm
Mar 072011
The sick psychology of voodoo hexes and pointing bones

  Bone pointing is an ancient curse used by the aborigines of Australia. The vengeful person takes a kangaroo bone, carves a point at one end, and drills a hole through the other. He then passes a single strand of the victim’s hair through the hole and ties it in place. In a usually public […more]